
The LOEL Senior Center is private nonprofit organization and not directly affiliated with the City of Lodi or San Joaquin County. LOEL depends on your donations to serve our seniors. Together we can make a difference! Donations can be made securely over the internet or by contacting us.

The LOEL Foundation, Inc., a 501 (C) 3 tax exempt organization #94-2412399, incorporated by the laws of the State of California.

Donate Once

LOEL appreciates your consideration in making a single, one-time donation. Donations can be made securely using the Donate ONLINE now button above or by contacting us directly.

Online donors will receive an email receipt for tax purposes.

Donate Monthly

At LOEL, we are thrilled that we can count on your continued support through a monthly, scheduled donation that appears on your credit card statement.  We will process your request within the first week of each month, and continue to do so until you ask us otherwise.

Setting up an Online, monthly/recurring donation is secure and easy to do. Simply use the Donate ONLINE now button above or contact us directly.

Online monthly/recurring donors will receive email receipts that can be used with credit card statements for tax purposes.

Dedicate a Donation

Donations can be dedicated to a friend, a loved one, or in support of a specific LOEL program. Dedicated donations can be made using the Donate ONLINE now button above or by contacting us.

A Provision in your Will

When you make or revise your will, please consider making a bequest to the LOEL Senior Center.  Your foresight today means a legacy gift that will touch the lives of others for years to come.

The LOEL Senior Center has established a Legacy Society to celebrate and thank those individuals who share our vision to serve the greater Lodi community seniors. Should you choose to include the LOEL Foundation, Inc., dba LOEL Senior Center, in your will or other estate plans, we would be honored to know of your intentions and have you as a member of our Legacy Society.

A bequest can be for a stated dollar amount, or you can designate a certain percentage of the residuary of your estate after specific bequests and costs are satisfied.

Consult your attorney or financial planner regarding the tax and financial implications of your estate plans.  Then provide them the correct legal designation:

The LOEL Foundation, Inc., a 501 (C) 3 tax exempt organization #94-2412399, incorporated by the laws of the State of California.

Thank you for your consideration to support our mission to help seniors.