
Currently the center offers exercise and dance programs focusing on Low Impact Exercises, Yoga, Tai-Chi, and Line Dancing.

Low Impact

The LOEL Senior Center offers low impact exercise classes four days a week. Monday through Thursday from 8:30-9:30a.m.  All classes are FREE and open to the public. These exercise classes are uniquely designed to help aging people get a workout that is physically safe and entertaining.  There is no need to sign-up, just come wearing comfortable clothing and walking shoes, ready to participate and have a good time. 


Every Monday at 2:00 p.m. This free class is led by a certified yoga instructor who is also CPR certified.

It is recommended that participants should bring a mat, large thick yoga block and yoga strap. If you are interested in participating and have not yet purchased your own equipment LOEL now has equipment for you to use thanks to a very generous donation.


Every Wednesday afternoon from 2:00-3:00 p.m. the LOEL Senior Center offers classes in the ancient art of Tai-chi.  Tai-Chi is a simple and gentle form of exercise.

Once learned and practiced daily tai-chi can cut the risk of falling by almost 50%.  In addition, it can help lower blood pressure, relieve stress, quiet the mind, and improve coordination, memory, and concentration.  It is so relaxing and calming that it is often referred to as a moving meditation.

There is a small fee per person per class; please call for more information. Come check it out if you’re new!

Line Dancing

The LOEL Senior Center offers FREE beginners and advanced line dancing classes on Friday mornings. Beginners class starts at 9:30 a.m. and Advanced class starts at 10:30 a.m. Leather soled shoes and a willingness to learn are all you need to enjoy this group!

Each class features low-impact line dancing steps that everyone can do. Occasionally the group performs at the center or for other events in and around the Lodi area.


Offered on the 1st and 3rd Thursday 1:00 p.m. A paddle sport created for all ages and skill levels. The rules are simple, and the game is easy for beginners to learn.  Played indoors in our main hall.

Leather soled shoes are all you need to enjoy this sport.


Currently the center offers exercises and dance programs focusing on Low Impact Exercises, Yoga, Tai-Chi, and Line Dancing.

Low Impact

The LOEL Senior Center offers low impact exercise classes four days a week. Monday through Thursday from 8:30-9:30a.m.  All classes are FREE and open to the public. These exercise classes are uniquely designed to help aging people get a workout that is physically safe and entertaining.  There is no need to sign-up, just come wearing comfortable clothing and walking shoes, ready to participate and have a good time. 


Every Monday at 2:00 p.m. The class is led by a certified yoga instructor who is also CPR certified.

It is recommended that participants should bring a mat, large thick yoga block and yoga strap. If you are interested in participating and have not yet purchased your own equipment LOEL now has equipment for you to use thanks to a very generous donation.


Every Wednesday afternoon from 2:00-3:00 p.m. the LOEL Senior Center offers classes in the ancient art of Tai-chi.  Tai-Chi is a simple and gentle form of exercise.

Once learned and practiced daily tai-chi can cut the risk of falling by almost 50%.  In addition, it can help lower blood pressure, relieve stress, quiet the mind, and improve coordination, memory, and concentration.  It is so relaxing and calming that it is often referred to as a moving meditation.

The cost is only $7.00 per person per class, and is always open to newcomers, so come check it out!

Line Dancing

The LOEL Senior Center offers FREE beginners and advanced line dancing classes on Friday mornings. Beginners class starts at 9:30 a.m. and Advanced class starts at 10:30 a.m. Leather soled shoes and a willingness to learn are all you need to enjoy this group!

Each class features low-impact line dancing steps that everyone can do. Occasionally the group performs at the center or for other events in and around the Lodi area.


Offered on the 1st and 3rd Thursday 1:00 p.m. A paddle sport created for all ages and skill levels. The rules are simple, and the game is easy for beginners to learn.  Played indoors in our main hall.

Leather soled shoes are all you need to enjoy this sport.